
Can You Refinish a Gloss Neck to Be Satin

  1. What is the best product to satin a gloss cervix?

    Steel wool?? What grade??

    Scotchbrite??? What color?

  2. Ewo

    Ewo a/one thousand/a Steve Cooper Supporting Fellow member

    0000 steel wool. First put masking record over the pups, and then metal filings won't stick to the pole pieces.
  3. Hopkins

    Hopkins Supporting Fellow member Commercial User

    November 17, 2010
    Houston Tx
    Owner/Builder @Hopkins Guitars
    This, but its improve to completely remove the neck. Those wool fibers will find their way onto your pickups.
  4. A fresh green ScotchBrite pad. It works and no steel filings to worry about.
  5. fhm555

    fhm555 So FOS my eyes are brown Supporting Member

    But why do it he easy fashion when you lot tin complicate things by using steel wool??

    J/K guys, either works to degloss a bass neck. Scotchbrite is simply simpler and requires much less piece of work or prep to become the job done.

  6. What finish is on the neck? Make sure to avoid using too much pressure- ScotchBrite is very aggressive when the pad is new. If yous want a finer satin stop, utilise a white pad- it's the finest one they take. If you prefer to employ sandpaper, get to a woodworking store or body store supplier- wet/dry out sandpaper tin exist bought much effectively than the 600 grit used for a lot of finish leveling. Going from 600 grit to 1200, 1500 and 2000 leaves a very soft stop, but the effectively the grit, the closer information technology comes to polishing, so that volition be a lot of work to go where you started.

    I recently bought a new neck for my SD Curlee bass and it was unfinished. I used gloss poly, allow it dry out and softened it with a green ScotchBrite. It has no wax or polish and it'due south not sticky, but my hands don't sweat much when the temperature and humidity are low to moderate. I may strip it and apply something else (lacquer, guns stock oil, etc) but I'm non one of those who thinks they can actually feel the wood when I play, and then....

  7. For simple satinizing, I'll snag a used ScotchBrite from nether the kitchen married woman wonders why they keep disappearing. A new, fresh from the wrapper, pad is a bit besides stiff IMO and doesn't conform as well to the neck contours. That being said...

    The last two jobs required a more aggressive approach as I was minimizing blems / scarring. Back to the ol' #0000 steel wool!


  8. Last resort...Preferable...
  9. Hopkins

    Hopkins Supporting Fellow member Commercial User

    Nov 17, 2010
    Houston Tx
    Owner/Builder @Hopkins Guitars
    Because steel wool gives you lot a better result and is non as aggressive as a Scotchbrite pad.
  10. I used 400 grit sand newspaper and wet sanded information technology very lightly on my EB3. Information technology turned out neat. If you lot want it to be smoother, you lot could always just use 1200 grit sand paper later.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I will accept the steel wool route. #0000 wool.

    In leu of taking the neck off, I'chiliad going to tape the option-ups and wrap a kitchen bag around the body.

    Going to smoothen from the nut to the 14 fret.

    Getting happy masking with blue painters tape.

    I volition also put a small 1/iv strip over the fret markers keeping them glossy.

    I'll endeavour and accept some picks.

    Going to the Depot in a few hours......I'll proceed you posted.

  12. Greenish scotch pads work smashing. Mutual in billiards for buffing cue sticks.
  13. Hopkins

    Hopkins Supporting Member Commercial User

    Nov 17, 2010
    Houston Tx
    Owner/Builder @Hopkins Guitars
    Accept the cervix off or you will have a sleeky line at the heal. You volition become a better result with minimal effort
  14. I start with 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper (used wet) and footstep up grits ~200 at a time and finish off with 2000 grit. Smoove!

    E'er test on something you don't care about, or a small discreet portion when doing such a thing though!

  15. fhm555

    fhm555 So FOS my eyes are brown Supporting Member

    I only back off a little with the (used) green pad and it works just fine for me. I must not have as fine a feel as you lot because a light scuff with a dark-green Scotchbrite and a quick wipe with a (slightly) clammy one-time T shirt/washrag and I'm skillful to go. It'southward also a lot quicker if I have nicks or finish imperfections and I've also had situations with the skunk stripe edges on MIM necks standing just an RCH proud and it takes that in a couple strokes with the dark-green Scotchbrite.

    It'south one of those things where there is no single right way to practise it in that either several grades of steel wool or a single laissez passer with a Scotchbrite pad both yield an acceptable result.

  16. Personally I find scotchbrite too agressive. I've used 0000 steel wool and information technology works pretty well but getting fuzz off of pickups is MAJOR pain if you lot don't protect them correct.

    Even so, I've besides used sanding wet or dry out. I usually become 400 grit then 600 grit. It works as well as the steel wool. The basic divergence I've found is that the sandpaper works ameliorate if y'all accept various "bumplies" in the finish (dust, bugs, whatsoever). The sandpaper sands them flat while the steel wool just sort of rounds them off. But both methods do work very nicely.

  17. So I did the deed this evening.

    Sorry I did not take pictures; I just wanted to become it done before this evening'south rehearsal.

    Covered the trunk with a plastic bag, and sealed the strings and fretboard with forty feet of tape.

    Sanded away with the 0000 wool.

    Looks and feels great.

    Blew it off with compressed air before I unwrapped everything.

    Thanks for all the advice.

  18. Best of both worlds for me, a 3M ultra fine finishing pad. Works perfect, for me.
  19. I would accept used the 3M ultra fine, if I could find information technology at the Depot or Lowes.

    I'll effort and find it for the adjacent fourth dimension I do it.

    Information technology volition be a flake cleaner for certain.

  20. Crawly, I'grand sure she feels a thousand times better. :bassist:
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